Friday, February 16, 2007

Party tongue

1 tongue
1 box pickling spice
2 (3 oz) packages cream cheese
1 generous tbs. horseradish

Boil the tongue according to package directions adding the box of pickling spice to water. When cool enough to handle, skin and neatly trim the meat.

Cream the cheese until soft, the consistency of icing. Add the horseradish and stir well. Add salt and pepper to taste. Spread cream cheese mixture on cold tongue as if icing it. Cover with a thick layer of chopped parsley.

Put on a serving board with a sharp knife and allow guests to carve thin slices as desired.

Serve with party rye or other cocktail type breads.

(The whole project is best made ahead and kept covered in the refrigerator until ready to serve.)

If no directions come with the meat, a 3-1/2 lb. tongue will take 1 hour and 2o minutes cooked in a pressure cooker and then left to set in liquid for 20 minutes more.

Source: Anne D. Bessette for the Croquet Foundation of America, "It's a Wicket Kitchen" (1991); recipe by Jean Renehan of the Green Gables Croquet Club.